How to find great domain names
First find best web hosting company you will need as long as you want to do business. Finding fastest web hosting site is easy with
After you purchase hosting plans through sayOhO, you might want to start looking for domain name for you business since this name represnts your companay!
Infact you might want to start looking for domain names even before you buy hosting plans.
Before or after buying best web hosting
1. Try to get .com extension
.com has most popular extension, just go for this if available.
2. Find word matching the service you will provide.
Like dating website can be, Its not easy to find such popular word/s. So be creative here and try to append extra popular words before or after the main words you were thinking. Use as domain name generator. Adding common words like world, top, best, space, field, wow, yes, superb to them main domain word can help finish domian registration you needed to complete.
3. Keep word short and memorable
This isvery straight forward. As everybody says short and sweet is best.
4. Catchy, unique word
It is said that catchy words are easy to remember even if someone’s memory power is not so good. I tend to agree this, if you agree as well then why not!
5. Dont add non alphanumeric characters to make it unique
Underscore or Hyphen are examples. Words with Underscore or Hyphen are distrctive and forgetful. If possible also try to avoid numbers, but in many cases number are required as well so depends on your service.
Best places to find domain names…
So Namecheap and Hostinger are two best sites to register domain names. They provide cheaper domain names which are avaialable. Hostinger also provides cheaper faster web hosting plans. These sites give you free domain names when purchasing web hosting hosting plans or web design plans.
