This is how porn users do to avoid getting viruses

Porn generates so many movements on the Internet that no search engine takes it into account when publishing the most used search strings. According to statistics on content consumption for adults between 18 and 35 years old, about 55% of women and 70% of men watch porn on the Internet at least once a week. If we reduce the sample and take it daily, the numbers change: the percentage of women who consume these materials on a daily basis is around 30%, that of men drops to 60%.

12% of the network corresponds to porn sites. This creates great opportunities to infect large portions of the world with little effort. A cocktail of porn, infections and digital marketing that means millions every day.

Now … is it possible not to get infected? S.

How to watch porn online without getting infected

Rationality: Both banner ads and pop-ups are great for making people self-infect. Before clicking, I thought.

Distrust– Don’t click on any pop-up window.

Cleaning– Clean both the cache and temporary files on your device. Even the complete history.

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Browser: always surf in incognito mode.

Caution: do not enter suspicious websites and heed the warnings of your browser. If it says ‘not sure’ then it is ‘not sure’.

downloads: They download only from forums and communities dedicated to adult content, where you can also check the legality of the materials as well as the will of those who participate in the video.

Watchful voyeurs: You have to check the file extensions. Many infections are shared by deceiving users, trusting that it is common not to read and open anything that is in front of you. Beware of.exe files

Antivirus, antimalware and Firewall: These programs are important because their antivirus is updated and they scan regularly.

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Read: none of these websites wants to leave you room to sue it. Everything they will do to you is on your terms and conditions.

Electronic mail? Nico: I paid a lot of attention to the fact that the domains lead to where the links say they lead. Something very common is to disable automatic image loading.

Prophylaxis: Be very careful of USB memory sticks and sharing machines.

In short, if you incorporate adult content into your navigation, you already have a light but effective guideline of how those who consume this content do to avoid infection.

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